Aneta Sadzik, a student of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the Cracow University of Technology, was the first laureate of the scholarship programme. This is another proof that Grupa Azoty implements the strategy based on sustainable development and focuses on co-operation with scientific institutions.
For many years Grupa Azoty has been skilfully bringing science and business together by co-operation with the renowned academies and by performing numerous research and educational projects altogether with aforementioned institutes. Mutual exchange of experience as well as scientists’ participation in the implementation of convenient analytical and technical solutions are the source of technological progress of our company. Grupa Azoty perceives the potential slumbering in the dialogue and co-operation with universities, thereby eagerly investing in Polish education: Grupa Azoty supports newly created faculties, subsidizes research projects thus co-creating unique products and technologies. Nowadays, Grupa Azoty implements another important endeavour which is the launch of a scholarship programme dedicated to students of the Master’s degree programme of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology from the Cracow University of Technology.
As part of the programme, Grupa Azoty funds two PLN 1000 monthly scholarships, which will be paid to students until they obtain the Master of Science degree. The programme encompasses full-time students who have obtained the Bachelor of Science degree and have proven achievements in the field of chemical engineering, chemical technology or chemistry, which are closely bound with Grupa Azoty’s area of activity. Additionally, after receiving the Master of Science degree, the grantees of the Grupa Azoty’s scholarship obtain a guarantee of employment in the Company.
On 11th May, as the part of scholarship programme established in November of 2014, Mr Witold Szczypiński, Vice-President of the Management Board, Director General of the Grupa Azoty Group and Mr Kazimierz Furtak, Rector of the Cracow University of Technology awarded the first financial scholarship. The Scholarship Chapter consisting of representatives of Grupa Azoty and the Cracow University of Technology granted the scholarship to Ms Aneta Sadzik, a student of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (Chemical Technology degree course, economy and environmental analytics specialization).